About Us

Mission Statement

The Cinnaminson Lacrosse Club is dedicated to promoting the sport of lacrosse by:

  • Providing a structured league environment where both boys and girls have an opportunity to learn the sport by competitive play and quality instruction
  • Aspiring to be an organization that respects fellow players, opponents, referees, and in turn is respected for our sportsmanship and work ethics
  • Providing a high level of coaching and instruction to our players, coaches, and parents so that we all may learn and embrace the lacrosse experience
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CLAX By-Laws




  1. The name of this organization shall be Cinnaminson Lacrosse Club referred to herein and after as “CLAX”.
  2. The Board of Directors shall be referred hereafter as the Board.




  1. CLAX shall be a non-profit New Jersey organization, under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Tax Code, which is the organizing body of youth lacrosse within the Cinnaminson Community, using established guidelines defined by US Lacrosse Inc. (USL), South Jersey Chapter of US Lacrosse, and the South Jersey Youth Lacrosse League (SJYLAX).
  2. The Purpose of CLAX is to promote and develop the sport of lacrosse at the youth level for both boys and girls within the Cinnaminson Community.


  1. The Objectives of CLAX shall be:

(a) To educate, promote, and provide lacrosse competition to the Cinnaminson Community.

(b) To encourage good sportsmanship integrity, honesty, leadership, team work and respect for players, officials, coaches, and spectators at all times.

(c) To be a positive member of the Cinnaminson Community.




  1. Membership in CLAX shall include the parents or legal guardians of all players under the age of 18, coaches, assistant coaches, the Board of Directors, and other volunteers for CLAX league games.
  2. All players must pay the club registration fee, and any assessed late fee, within 60 days of the fee due date will be considered in good standing
  3. Membership in CLAX shall not be transferable and shall cease when a member resigns or contravenes the conditions of membership or becomes deceased.
  4. Members of CLAX shall abide by these By Laws, the CLAX Code of Conduct, and established rules and regulations pertaining to the playing of youth lacrosse.
  5. No member, by virtue of just being a member of CLAX shall be liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of CLAX.
  6. No member of CLAX, or its Board of Directors, will exclude or be excluded from participation in any capacity due to sex, race, creed, national origin, or sexual orientation.




  1. The method for distributing players to the teams within each division shall be determined by the Board to ensure parity.
  2. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for assigning, or having assigned, all CLAX players to teams in order to provide the most appropriate level of play for all concerned.




  1. The Board shall assign, or have assigned, all equipment to each coach.
  2. Coaches shall be responsible for returning all equipment at the end of each season and/or as requested by the Board.
  3. All equipment shall remain the sole property of CLAX.




  1. CLAX has the goal of educating its participants in the ideals of good sportsmanship, integrity, honesty, leadership, and teamwork through teaching and supervision of the game of lacrosse
  2. CLAX has adopted the following policy:

(a) Sportsmanship and teaching concepts of fair play are essential to the game and must be taught at all levels and developed both at home and on the field.

(b) The value of good sportsmanship, the concepts of fair play, and the skills of the game must always be placed above winning

(c) The safety and welfare of the players are primary importance.

(d) Players must always demonstrate positive behavior and respect toward teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators.

(e) Spectators involved with the game must never permit anyone to openly or maliciously criticize, badger, harass, or threaten an official, coach, player, or opponent.

(f) Use of obscene or foul language, disputing or arguing a decision made by an official or coach, excessive physical force on or off the field, trash talking, baiting another player, defacing or damaging buildings, grounds, or equipment are unacceptable and are not forms of good sportsmanship and shall be considered unsportsmanlike conduct.

(g) Unsportsmanlike conduct by a player may result in benching or suspension at the discretion of the coaches and CLAX Board of Directors.

(h) If incidents of unsportsmanlike conduct occur during any activity of CLAX, a coach or Board member may discuss the matter with the player, parent or spectator.  If the conduct jeopardizes the safety of the participants or causes irresolvable disruption of CLAX activities, local law enforcement may be contacted to intervene in the matter.




  1. The code of Conduct will be enforced by the members of the Board of Directors.
  2. Players and Parents/Legal Guardians will be required to comply with the Code of Conduct in order to secure membership in CLAX.
  3. Violations of the Code of Conduct will be reviewed by the Board of Directors.
  4. Should a player or parent commit a gross violation or engage in multiple violations, a conference will be convened with the full Board of Directors.
  5. The Board of Directors will encourage a good faith effort to resolve the situation and maintain the membership of the player or parent.  If resolution cannot be made, the Board may issue sanctions against the player, parent, or both.  These sanctions can range from suspension to expulsion from CLAX, and must be in direct proportion to the violation(s).




  1. The business affairs of CLAX shall be managed and administered by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Board of Directors shall be chosen at the annual meeting, and shall serve for a term of two (2) years.
  3. The Board of Directors shall appoint, remove, discharge, and prescribe the duties of CLAX coaches and volunteers.
  4. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Coaching and Training (2; 1 Boys and 1 Girls), Director of Registration (Registrar), and Member-at-Large (3).
  5.  The President shall:

(a) Chair all CLAX, Board, and Annual Meetings.

(b) Oversee CLAX business to ensure it is conducted as directed by the Board.

(c) Be the main contact person for all matters dealing with the South Jersey Chapter of US Lacrosse and the South Jersey Lacrosse League.

(d) In conjunction with the Secretary, devise and prepare an agenda for circulation to the Board of Directors in advance for each meeting.

(e) Perform any duties necessary to CLAX

  1. The Treasurer shall:

(a) Collect all accounts and properly record all financial transactions of CLAX

(b) Pay all accounts of CLAX.

(c) Sign financial documents of CLAX.

(d) Be responsible for the budget of CLAX.

(e) Submit financial statements to the Board of Directors at each Board meeting. Financial records on account of all transactions as Treasurer and/or the financial position of CLAX shall be readily provided to the Board.

(f) Perform such other duties that are assigned to the Treasurer by the President or the Board of Directors.

  1. The Secretary shall:

(a) Give, or cause to be given, all notices required to be given to members, Board, and league liaisons.

(b) Attend and be Secretary of all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors and record and distribute the minutes of all proceedings at these meetings.

(c) Assist other Board members with correspondence.

(d) Schedule and advise all Board members of meeting dates, times, locations, etc.

(e) In conjunction with the Board of Directors, devise, prepare and distribute an agenda in advance of each meeting.

(f) Be custodian of all records, books, documents and other instructions belonging to CLAX.

(g) Perform any other duties that are assigned to the Secretary by the President or the Board of Directors.

  1. The Director of Coaching and Training shall:

(a) Recruit candidates for coaching and assisting.

(b) Review the experience, US LAX membership and references of potential Coaching and assisting candidates.

(c) Present each candidate to the Board of Directors for approval.

(d) Ensure each coach and assistant has received the appropriate training.

(e) Report any problems, concerns or matters related to CLAX coaches, assistants and players to the Board of Directors.

(f) Attend the respective meetings of SJYLL or any other pertinent and mandatory league meetings.

(g) Perform any other duties that are assigned to the Director of Coaching and Training by the President or the Board of Directors.

  1. The Director of Registration shall:

(a) Comprise registration packets for prospective members.

(b) Verify completion of each member’s registration.

(c) Report to the Board of Directors any member failing to comply.

(d) Maintain membership files for CLAX.

(e) Perform any other duties assigned to the Director of Registration by the President or the Board of Directors.

  1. The Member-at-Large shall:

(a) Collaborate and support other Directors with their duties.

(b) Perform any other duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors.

  1. The Board of Directors may from time to time, during the Board members term, authorize a shift of a Board member from one position to another.
  2. A The Board shall nominate candidates for open or vacated positions.
  3. At the first regular Board meeting, Directors shall be elected by the Board of Directors.
  4. Election of Directors shall be by written ballot, casting one vote per Board position. Election to a position will require a majority of the vote. In order for a valid vote, five (5) Board of Directors must present to participate in voting process. Proxy votes are not permitted.
  5. The following Directors shall be elected for a two (2) year term:
  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Director of Coaching and Training-Boys
  • Director of Coaching and Training- Girls
  • Director of Registration

The Board positions of President, Boys Director shall be open for election in even years of lacrosse season service.  Secretary, Girls and Registrar will be up for reelection on odd years of service.

  1. The three (3) Board positions of Member-at-Large will be elected annually.
  2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Directors may create additional positions on the Board as they determine are necessary and may appoint Non-Board Members, from time-to-time, to perform certain other roles on behalf of CLAX.
  3. The members of the Board of Directors may serve consecutive terms if not contested.




  1. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall exist on the death, resignation, expiration of term, or removal of any Director.
  2. Any Director may resign effective upon giving written notice to the President or Secretary, unless the notice specifically states a later time for the effective resignation.
  3. Directors may be removed from office, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the eligible voting members of the Board of Directors.  Advance notification of the vote to all Directors is required.
  4. Vacancies on the Board may be filled by the majority approval of the Board of Directors.
  5. A person elected to fill a vacancy shall serve until the next election of that particular position to the Board of Directors.




  1. Roberts Rules of Order shall be followed.
  2. The Board of Directors shall meet no less than one (1) time per year.  The President or his/her designate, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
  3. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be determined at the first annual meeting of the Board which shall be held in September.
  4. An annual membership meeting with any CLAX parents and players shall be held in January.
  5. Each member shall be sent a written notification, no less than 14 days in advance, stating the date, time and location, and order of business for the annual meeting.




  1. A Quorum shall consist of at least 51% of the members of the filled positions of the Board of Directors.
  2. If a member on the Board of Directors does not attend three (3) consecutive meetings, he or she may be relieved of their Duties.
  3. A Director may petition the Board with individual circumstances relating to his or her absence.
  4. All decisions at any Board meeting shall be majority vote of those present.
  5. If a vote is required between scheduled meetings, an emergency meeting may be called.  Electronic votes may be considered.




  1. The Secretary shall, prior to the annual meeting, accept nominations to fill all vacancies on the Board and shall report such nominations to the Board not less than ten (10) days prior to the annual meeting.
  2. Board of Directors nominations will be accepted provided the nominee has consented to be nominated verbally, or if absent, in writing.
  3. Any member of CLAX, over the age of 18, is eligible for election to the Board of Directors.
  4. No nomination shall be accepted for the position of President who has not served on the Board of Directors for a minimum of one (1) year.




  1. All members may submit proposed amendment changes to the Secretary in writing sixty days prior to the annual Board of Directors meeting.
  2. Amendments shall become effective upon attaining a two-thirds (2/3) vote cast by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board of Directors may convene a special meeting of voting if necessary.




  1. Any member of CLAX interested in becoming a coach shall express their interest in writing.
  2. The Board of Directors may meet with individuals expressing an interest in Coaching.
  3. The Board of Directors will be solely responsible for assigning all CLAX coaches and assistants.
  4. Final decisions will be made by the Board by a majority vote and shall be final.




  1. Club registration fees will be assessed to each member on an annual basis.  These fees are intended to cover all expenses of CLAX.
  2. Membership fees not received within 30 days of fee due date will be assessed a late fee.  Members not paying club registration fees within 60 days of fee due date will have their membership revoked and will not be able to participate in any CLAX activity, meeting, practice, game or tournament for the ensuing year.
  3. The funds of CLAX shall be deposited at the discretion of the Board of Directors in an appropriate legal financial institution for the best benefit of CLAX and in the name of Cinnaminson Lacrosse Club.
  4. The Treasurer or one (1) other appointed member of the Board of Directors shall be responsible for signing checks issued on behalf of CLAX for payment.
  5. CLAX has the power to accept donations, gifts, legacies, and bequests.
  6. The fiscal year shall be September 1- August 30.
  7. The current financial position of CLAX shall be presented at the first annual meeting of the Board
  8. No member may make financial decisions and/or commitments on behalf of CLAX without a majority vote from CLAX Board of Directors.  Normal day-to-day fiscal operations may be made without the Board of Directors approval.
  9. The Board of Directors is empowered, via majority to waive some or all of a member’s registration fees based on financial hardship.




  1. CLAX may conduct business with any member of CLAX for purposes pursuant to the functioning of CLAX, so long as that when possible, competing bids have been solicited and received, and approved by the majority of the Board of Directors.
  2. The Board of Directors will review any possible conflicts of interests as they arise, and resolve or appropriately discharge such conflicts.




  1. All players, coaches, and assistant coaches shall be required to join US Lacrosse each year they participate in CLAX.
  2. All players, coaches and assistant coaches shall be required to have a valid and current US Lacrosse membership for participation in any or all CLAX activities and functions.
  3. All players, coaches, and assistants shall be insured through the US Lacrosse Insurance program.
  4. All coaches and assistants will be required to complete training programs required by the Board.  Costs for such training may be paid out of CLAX funds.




  1. Upon dissolution, after payment of all debts, no part of the remaining assets shall be distributed to any member of CLAX.  Any remaining assets shall be distributed to another organization exempt under the provisions of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the United States, or to a state or local Government.


By-laws approved by Board of Directors on 23 Sep 2015